Commission 2026


Commission Consortium Information

Instrumentation: Concert Band

Difficulty: Beginner (Grade .5-1)/Intermediate(Grade 1.5-2)/Advanced (Grade 2.5-3)

Duration: 2 minutes/3 minutes/4-5 minutes

Buy-In: $300 (due October 1st, 2025)

Delivery: Electronic PDF (expected November 2025)

Consortium Exclusivity: Consortium members will hold regional exclusivity between world premiere (date TBA) and June 2026 (approximately 6 months). Publishing and performance rights will be released to the general public beginning June 1, 2026

The Work(s): Three works for concert band will be created at three differing grade levels (.5-1, 1.5-2, and 2.5-3) appropriate for performance by middle school varsity, non-varsity, and sub-non varsity or beginning bands. The works will be thematically related, but otherwise independent works. The idea is to provide the same experience of performing a new work, and interacting with the composer, to all levels of performer regardless of ability.